Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

. . .

Sedih Ku tahu kini perasaanmu kepadaku
Sedih Saat kau tak yakin kepadaku Akan cintaku
Jalan berliku takkan membuatku
Menyerah akan cinta kita

Tatap mataku dan kau akan tahu

Semuanya yang kurasakan

Aku bertahan
Karena ku yakin cintaku kepadamu
Sesering kau coba tuk mematikan hatiku
Takkan terjadi yang aku tahu kau hanya untukku

Aku bertahan
Ku akan tetap pada pendirianku
Sekeras kau coba tuk membunuh cintaku
Yang aku tahu Kau hanya untukku

Tatap mataku dan kau akan tahu
Semuanya yang kurasakan

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

ga' ada apa-apa


Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

angan menggapai cita

disana ada cita dan tujuan
yang membuatmu jauh ke depan
dikala malam begitu pekat
dan mata sebaiknya di pejam saja
citamu masih lincah melesat
melampaui ruang dan masa
sampai engkau susah,
sampai engkau payah,

tetap yakin lah semua akan mampu kau jalani.

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010


The Zoo Job Story

One day a clown was visiting the zoo and attempted to earn some money by making a street performance. He acted and mimed perfectly some animal acts. As soon as he started to drive a crowd, a zoo keeper grabbed him and dragged him into his office. The zoo keeper explained to the clown that the zoo's most popular gorilla had died suddenly and the keeper was fear that attendance at the zoo would fall off. So he offered the clown a job to dress up as the gorilla until the zoo could get another one. The clown accepted this great opportunity.
So the next morning the clown put on the gorilla suit and entered the cage before the crowd came. He felt that it was a great job. He could sleep all he wanted, played and made fun of people and he drove bigger crowds than he ever did as a clown. He pretended the gorilla successfully.
However, eventually the crowds were tired of him for just swinging on tires. He began to notice that the people were paying more attention to the lion in the next cage. Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience, he decided to make a spectacular performance. He climbed to the top of his cage, crawled across a partition, and dangled from the top to the lion's cage. Of course, this made the lion furious, but the crowd people loved it.
At the end of the day the zoo keeper came and gave him a raise for being such a good attraction. Well, this went on for some time, he kept taunting the lion, the audience crowd grew a larger, and his salary kept going up. Then one terrible day happened. When he was dangling over the furious lion, he slipped and fell into the lion cage. The clown was really in big terrible situation. He was terrified.
Sooner the lion gathered itself and prepared to pounce. The clown was so scared. He could do nothing and he began to run round and round the cage with the lion close and closer behind. Finally, the lion could catch him. The clown started screaming and yelling, "Help me, help me!", but the lion was quick and pounces. The clown soon found himself flat on his back looking up at the angry lion and suddenly he heard a voice from the lion’s mouth;"Shut up you idiot! Do you want to get us both fired?".


Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Apa yang kita rasa, belum tentu orang juga rasa

,, ternyata semua tidaklah mudah, semua butuh proses, dan waktu yang relatif lama,
, yang bisa gue lakukan cuma menunggu, dan harapan sampai waktunya datang...

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

"tugas TIK"

Nama : William Yulian Tirta Tobing

Kelas : XI IPA 5

TTL : Padang, 6 juli 1993

HOBY : main.......